
Ok. So at first, I wasn’t able to understand the instruction. (Slow at times.) So I came up with this animation. 😀


(Removed on domain)

Since we need to be the one to make an object. I just focused on this “Kuroko” basketball and I did, well, a ball. I named it kurokov2. Though, it wasn’t that much.



And for the second time, still wasn’t able to get the instruction. Forgive me. 😀

So, I made the wrong one again, though was able to put the animation on the first and second mistake. 😉



Finally, I got it now. Though I lack time, I can say that originality is really my weakness (in this exercise. :p sorry for the nth time). So here it is. 😐



I uploaded 3 files because I find them cute. Sorry. 😀

CSS3 animation




I don’t know if I did it right. But according to my colleagues, I just need to put the text on the side of the white border. So, I came up with this. :p

I decided to change the photos for a change? Hehe.



Codecademy, BANG! (repost)

Caodecademy, BANG! (repost)

Reposting my blog because I posted it as “TEXT” not photo. Maybe the tags won’t work. (I don’t know really). Please check past blog to verify the time & date. 🙂


Time check: 4:42am

And finally, it’s done! I’ve been up just to finish this one. When I was about to reach the end my reaction was PRICELESS. This case/project deprived me from sleeping. HAHAHA. I had 2 cups of coffee just to keep myself awake and skip my Friday class just to finish. But I still find this a very good tool on how to understand HTML better. I’ve never imagined that it will be that long. 🙂 )) Oh well, I guess it’s time for me to take a nap. 😉

THUMBS UP for me and for all who took this codecademy. 🙂


Codecademy, BANG!


Time check: 4:42am

And finally, it’s done! I’ve been up just to finish this one. When I was about to reach the end my reaction was PRICELESS. This case/project deprived me from sleeping. HAHAHA. I had 2 cups of coffee just to keep myself awake and skip my Friday class just to finish. But I still find this a very good tool on how to understand HTML better. I’ve never imagined that it will be that long. :))) Oh well, I guess it’s time for me to take a nap. 😉

THUMBS UP for me and for all who took this codecademy. 🙂